Print and Manuscript Collections
Collection of publications from Maclean-Hunter, a Canadian communications company active from 1887–1994. Titles represented include Maclean’s, Canadian Homes and Gardens, Chatelaine, and Châtelaine. Consists of periodicals.
Collection of works by and about American writer, journalist and filmmaker Norman Mailer (1923–2007). Consists of books.
Collection of works by and about English writer, craftsman and early socialist William Morris (1834–1896), comprising of works produced at the Kelmscott Press and two original wallpaper sample books by Morris & Co. Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of works from the personal library of Canadian and American journalist Mark Gayn (1902–1981). The collection includes books by Gayn as well as research material on the subject of China from 1925–1975. Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of works once belonging to the working library of Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan (1911–1980), together with correspondence and marginalia. These works were used while McLuhan was writing such titles as Understanding Media, The Gutenberg Galaxy and The Medium is the Massage. Consists of books, pamphlets, periodicals, and printed ephemera.
Collection of works by and about Scottish writers Hugh MacDiarmid (1892–1978) and James Thomson (1700–1748), and English writer Samuel Butler (1612–1680). The collection includes various editions of Thomson's The Seasons and Butler's Hudibras. Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of official Nazi propaganda and literature directed toward the youth of Germany. The collection includes schoolbooks and pamphlets published after the War by German and American authorities aimed at rehabilitating schools, teachers, and youth. Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of works published by the Middle Hill Press established by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The collection covers discoveries in early English topographical and genealogical history. Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of rare liturgical and scriptural books printed in Ukraine in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Consists of books.
Collection of works by and about American author William Faulkner (1897-1962). Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of works by and about English writer and journalist Graham Greene (1904-1991). Consists of books.
Collection of works by and about English Poet Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892). Consists of books and pamphlets.
Collection of Italian Renaissance and Spanish literature which includes a large group of sixteenth century plays as well as early editions of European literature dating from before 1800. Consists of books.