Teaching at the Fisher Library

Students looking at books in the Fisher Library's seminar roomRare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) staff provides educational support and resources to faculty and course instructors to develop and facilitate instructional sessions for diverse audiences. Our goal is to encourage faculty, instructors, teachers, researchers, students, and visitors to engage with rare books, special collections, and archives as part their learning for a course or class. The staff in RBSC strives to apply principles of equity and inclusion to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all.

 If you wish to teach a class at the Fisher Library, please fill out the Teaching Request Form.

Information for instructors 

Hours of instruction: Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:45 pm during the Fall and Winter academic semesters. The maximum length of an instruction session is three hours. We also offer a limited number of instruction sessions during the spring and summer academic semesters, but please note that we cannot host any sessions in August.

Number of sessions: Due to space and staff limitations, we are unable to accommodate requests for multiple instruction sessions for a single course, including repeated sessions for different sections of the same course. We are also unable to accommodate requests for entire courses to be taught at the library. 

Owing to the high demand for instruction sessions at the library, you are strongly advised to initiate your request at least two weeks in advance of the requested date for the session. We are often fully booked for the Fall semester by June and for the Winter semester by October.

Instruction space: The Maclean Hunter Room (MHR) functions as a seminar room and event space. The maximum capacity of the MHR for instruction sessions is 25 students. The MHR is usually arranged with tables and chairs in a horseshoe facing the front of the room. Please let us know if you need the furniture to be arranged differently and we would be happy to help you set up the space for your session. 

Foam supports for books and other material are stored in the cupboards in the southwest corner of the MHR. Please let us know in advance if you will need help setting up your materials in the supports. The MHR has a projector and screen, but no computer. If you are using a Mac without a dedicated HDMI port, you will need an HDMI adaptor.

Requesting materials: Once you have received confirmation about your booking request, you are responsible for requesting material for your session at the library. Materials should be selected by the instructor. Please let us know if you require support from staff to select material for your session. 

To request material for instruction, find the item in the UTL online catalogue and then submit a request for your class using the Special Collections Access system. Further instructions regarding submitting requests will be sent to you at the time of confirmation. You may request a maximum of fifteen items per instruction session. Please request your materials at least four days in advance. If you require staff support to select materials for your session, please contact the assigned staff liaison or co-instructor at least two weeks in advance of the session.

Accommodations: If you or your students require any accommodations, both regarding mobility-related barriers to accessing our space or learning accommodations to support the quality of their learning experience at the library, please inform your staff liaison or co-instructor in advance.

On the day of your session: Please arrive 30 minutes in advance of the beginning of the session. When you arrive, please check in with a staff member at the Reference Desk on the first floor. They will page your assigned staff member liaison or co-teacher to assist you with locating your materials, helping with setup, and proceeding with introductions and instructions on handling and/or teaching the session as applicable. At this time, you should also set up the furniture and arrange the items in the way that best suits your teaching plans. Please note that the course instructor must be present for the entirety of the instruction session. 

Before beginning your session, please review the Guidelines for Course Instructors Using Rare Books and Special Collections with your students. The form can be downloaded in advance and is also available at the Reference Desk.

Information for students: The following instructions should be circulated to students in advance of the instruction session to prepare them for what to expect at the library: 

  • All bags and outerwear must be left in the lockers on the second floor. 
  • You may bring a laptop or a pencil and paper or notebook into the teaching space. 
  • No pens are allowed. 
  • When leaving the library, you may be asked to open your laptop or notebook. 
  • You may bring your phone into the teaching space and can take photographs of items (no flash). Please note that when taking photographs of items at the library, you are responsible for complying with all relevant copyright laws. 
  • No food or drink (including water bottles) is allowed in the teaching space (or anywhere else in the library). Please leave all food and drink in the lockers on the second floor.

Full instructions for the handling of materials can be found in the Guidelines for Course Instructors Using Rare Books and Special Collections.