The latest issue of The Halcyon, the newsletter of the Friends of Fisher Library, is now available in both print and online versions. The December issue looks back on the Fisher's latest acquistions, focusing primarily on our generous donors. It details the recent manuscript donations - from Margaret Atwood to Bruce Whiteman - along with the printed gifts we received in 2015. The issue also takes a closer look into some of the recent donations, including the Fisher's growing cookery collection (to be featured in an exhibition in the summer of 2018), the gift of a 1549 Book of Common Prayer, an impressive collection of books on angling, along with a donation of the complete run of books from two of Canada's best fine press printers, Aliquando Press and Lock's Press.
The complete issue can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking on this link. You can also view all previous issues of The Halcyon on its web page (click on link).