Audio from McLuhan symposium now online

For those that missed the Many McLuhans Symposium held at the Fisher on September 21 - or for those that want to listen again to the entire proceedings - the full audio of the symposium is now available. The symposium was a celebration to mark the designation of Marshall McLuhan: Archives of the Future, comprising McLuhan's working library (held at Fisher) and his archival fonds (held at Library and Archives Canada) into the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2017. The symposium, organized and sponsored by LAC, the McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology at the Faculty of Information and the Fisher Library, was an all-day event that brought together an interdisciplinary set of McLuhan inspired media and communication theorists, arists and educators to discuss the significance of McLuhan and the archive to their own work and practice. It included talks by Andrew McLuhan on the experience of working with his famous grandfather's library, along with an afternoon keynote by John Durham Peters of Yale University.

The audio can be streamed via the McLuhan Centre's web site via this link.