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Ralph Stanton was a professor of mathematics at several Canadian universities. He was also an avid book collector, and without question he has been the single most prolific donor to the Fisher Library. Beginning with his first donation, a two-volume set of the 1587 edition of Holinshed's Chronicles in 1986, hundreds of volumes have been arriving annually from Winnipeg right up to the time of his passing in 2010. His collection of French literature, particularly seventeenth- and eighteenth-century drama, is especially strong, and the Fisher now boasts comprehensive collections of most of the significant French playwrights of the Classical period. Professor Stanton has also donated a number of incunables and early printed books, many of which were exhibited. This exhibit was curated by Philip Oldfield, Pearce Carefoote and Luba Frastacky.
In Memoriam: Ralph Stanton
ISBN 978-0-7727-6107-1; 48 pages, $12 | Ref #7059