Queer Book Arts

Summer Seminar Series

Date: -

This seminar will explore the interdisciplinary field of queer book arts by examining books and printed works through the lens of research
creation. Bringing together artists, bibliographers, book historians, librarians, and printmakers, this seminar will teach participants about the growing field of queer bibliography, and the preservation and dissemination of queer histories through embodied methodologies.

Participants will engage and create using the rare books and special collections at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library and will attend printing workshops to be held in the Print Studio at the John M. Kelly Library at St. Michael’s College.

This seminar will take place between June 24-26, 2025 and will be facilitated by Kit MacNeil (Artist and Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Book & Media Studies), Claire Battershill (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information & Department of English) and David Fernández (Head, Rare Books and Special Collections).

We welcome all applicants, with preference given to artists, printmakers, educators, librarians, archivists, curators, scholars, and graduate students whose work and/or research will benefit from attending the seminar. Registration costs will be covered for accepted applicants, and include the registration fee, course materials, and lunch during the three days. Successful applicants are expected to cover their own transportation and accommodation costs. Limited funding is available for participants who request financial assistance for travel.

For more information, please download the Call for Applications.

To apply, please download the Application Form.