Listen to Lectures

Since the 2011-12 Friends of Fisher Lecture series, all lectures have been audio recorded. To listen to the full lectures, please click on the links below. Additionally, some of the lecturers sat down with us beforehand to give us a preview of their lecture. Links to these are also included below.

Friends of Fisher Lectures

Justin G. Schiller (Antiquarian book dealer), 'A Revolution is not a Dinner Party': The Challenges of Collecting Mao. John Seltzer and Mark Seltzer Memorial Lecture, September 28.

Erik Kwakkel (Book Historian, Leiden University, the Netherlands), "Commercial Books Before Gutenberg." George Kiddell Memorial Lecture, March 15.

Michael Torosian (fine printer and founder, Lumiere Press), "Photography and Fine Printing: The History of Lumiere Press." The Joanna and Leon Katz Memorial Lecture, February 17

Eli Maclaren (Assistant Professor, McGill University English Department), "Major Contours in the History of the Book in Canada." The Leon Katz Memorial Lecture, March 9.   Pre-lecture discussion.

David Pearson (Director of Culture, Heritage & Libraries for the City of London Corporation), "Books as History: Changing Values in a Digital Age." George Kiddell Memorial Lecture, March 30.   Pre-lecture discussion.

Sophie Schneidman (antiquarian bookdealer), "Collecting Private Press Books." John Seltzer and Mark Seltzer Memorial Lecture, Oct. 1.   Pre-lecture discussion.

Alexandra Suda (Assistant Curator, European Art, Art Gallery of Ontario), Pre-lecture discussion on The Art of the Late Medieval Manuscript, April 2.

Carol Gerson, "Afterlives of Canadian Women Writers." Leon Katz Memorial Lecture, March 10.

Mark Purcell (Libraries Curator to the National Trust), "The Libraries of the National Trust." The John Seltzer and Mark Seltzer Memorial Lecture, September 25.   Pre-lecture discussion.

Shalom Sabar, "Political Justice and the Image of the New Jew: The Historical and Artistic Context of the Szyk Haggadah." Lecture sponsored by the Levenstein Family in memory of Larry Levenstein, the Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto, and the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. April 8.
Leslie A. Morris, "Amy Lowell: Mighty Woman Book Hunter." The Gryphon Lecture, April 2.   Pre-lecture discussion.

Andrew Steeves, "The Stacks School of Typography: The Role of Libraries and Archives in the Development of the Gaspereau Press." The Leon Katz Memorial Lecture, March 5.   Pre-lecture discussion.

Scott Schofield, "The Library Within a Library: The Forbes Collection in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library." John Seltzer and Mark Seltzer Memorial Lecture, October 1.   Lecture with slides

Antonette diPaolo Healey, "The Dictionary of Old English: Linking Past to Present." The Grypon Lecture on the History of the Book, April 3.

Ben McNally, "Is There a Future (Or Even a Present) for Bookselling?" The Leon Katz Memorial Lecture, March 13. Pre-lecture discussion

Linda Hutcheon, "Book Reviewing for a New Age." The Grypon Lecture on the History of the Book, March 30.

Katharine Kyes Leab, "H. Bradley Martin and Other Rare Birds: Collectors and their Astonished Families." The John Seltzer and Mark Seltzer Memorial Lecture, September 27.   Pre-lecture discussion

David Pankow, "Typographical Allegories and Erotic Ambiguities: The Hypnerotomachina Poliphili of Aldus Manutius." The Alexander C. Pathy Lecture on the Book Arts, October 12.   Pre-lecture discussion